Woodpecker bird feeders are specifically intended for woodpeckers but other birds may enjoy it as well. Bird feeding and feeders are topics that you need to know about if you're interested in bird feeders. Once you know about these things, you can setup your own bird feeder.
You can buy woodpecker feeders or build your own. If you intend to create one, some of the basic
materials that you need are pieces of wood, pointed saw to make holes and some nails. Make this as your
own carpentry project.
In case that you do not want to deal with the hard labor of sawing and cutting up wood, you may use mesh
wires instead. What you need to do with the mesh wires is to loop it around in order to create a space for
the woodpecker's food. Just do not forget to cut round holes on the two sides so that the woodpecker can
get in and eat up.
You need to observe which would be the best place to set up woodpecker bird feeders for you to enjoy seeing them. You may choose a big branch so that it can give a wide space for the woodpeckers. However,
consider also that the location should be obscure enough so as not to attract other birds unless you would
want them to come in droves.
The materials needed in setting up your woodpecker feeders are power drill, twines and bird house feeder.
First, you have to use the power drill to bore holes into the tree branch. Make sure the hole is completely
open on the other side to let the twines pass and circle through it. Now, sunflower seeds, cracked corns,
peanuts and raisins can be placed in it. A ladder may be what you need if you have placed the woodpecker
feeders a little higher. Also, security of the twines that you used to hand the woodpecker feeders should be
tight enough. For it to be more stable, you could tie it in two separate places. Pull the entire bird feeder to
test if the rope is securely placed.
This ends the building of your woodpecker feeders. You need to look at your feeder from afar to see if it
perfectly looks fine. If you think that you might need to do adjustments, you may certainly do so.
Sooner, woodpeckers will be gathered around your feeders. You can probably take pictures from afar to
enjoy the sight of woodpeckers gathered up your feeders.
You won't have trouble in managing woodpecker bird feeders. You just need a small brush to clean off the dirt in the feeder. To maintain the enthusiasm of woodpeckers on your feeder, make sure that your feeder is clean enough to be attractive.